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Acrylic Nail Fungus Causes Signs Treatment And Prevention

Acrylic Nail Fungus: Causes, Signs, Treatment, and Prevention


Acrylic nails, once a popular beauty enhancement, can become a breeding ground for fungal infections. This guide delves into the causes, signs, treatment options, and preventive measures for acrylic nail fungus, empowering you to maintain healthy and beautiful nails.


Acrylic nail fungus is primarily caused by moisture trapped between the acrylic nail and the natural nail bed. This moisture provides a favorable environment for fungi to thrive. Other factors contributing to the growth of fungus include: * Improperly fitted nails * Cuts or injuries in the nail bed * Prolonged exposure to water or humid environments

Signs and Symptoms

* Green, black, or yellow discoloration along the nail * Thickened, crumbly, or flaky nails * Pain, swelling, or tenderness * Foul odor emanating from the nail


Treating acrylic nail fungus can involve a combination of topical and oral medications. * Topical antifungals: Over-the-counter or prescription antifungal creams, ointments, or nail polishes are applied directly to the affected nail. * Oral antifungals: For severe or persistent infections, oral antifungal medications may be prescribed. Removal of the acrylic nails may also be necessary to allow proper treatment of the underlying fungus.


* Proper nail care: Keep nails clean, dry, and trimmed. * Regular nail salon visits: Ensure that acrylic nails are professionally applied and maintained. * Avoid moisture exposure: Wear gloves when handling wet items and limit prolonged water exposure. * Use nail polish sparingly: Nail polish can trap moisture against the nail bed.


Acrylic nail fungus is a common issue that can be prevented and treated with proper care. Maintaining healthy nail hygiene, seeking professional nail services, and avoiding moisture exposure are crucial for preserving the beauty and health of your nails. By embracing these preventive measures, you can enjoy stunning acrylic nails without compromising your nail health.
